Mf D is a para-institution addressing forced migration and displacement through art and criticality. We believe in the inspiring and empowering agency of art as a vehicle for political and social action.

  • Displaced

  • Yerinden edilmiş

  • 난민

  • Sfollati

  • Desplazadx

  • перемещённое

  • 流离失所

  • Fördrivna

  • Pасељени

  • Wysiedleni

  • Delokita

  • Déplacés

  • Vertriebene

  • Raseljenike

  • Deslocadx

  • Verplaas

  • স্থানচ্যুত

  • พลัดถิ่น

  • 難民

  • Ontheemd

  • עקורים

  • Isuswe

  • گوێزراوه

  • Εκτοπισμένων

  • տարհանված

  • آوارگان

  • និរស្ថាន

Journal of the Trasnational Migrants’ Coordination, 2020

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Journal of the Transnational Migrants’ Coordination, 2020

“This Journal is the first public outcome of the Transnational Migrants Coordination (TMC), born after months of struggles and communication among migrants and non-migrants’ collectives from all Europe, Morocco and Turkey, in the first attempt of transnational organization of migrants. The TMC was born out of the struggles and the need to overcome isolation in times of pandemic. After promoting two days of action in May and June, the TMC has launched for the 17th of October a transnational day of migrant struggle. In this day, when hundreds of thousands of migrants and sanspapiers will storm Paris from all over France, we call all migrants, refugees, asylum seekers, collectives, groups and supporters, to demonstrate throughout Europe and beyond. The time has come to take back migrants’ lives.

The articles in this journal show that a collective transnational voice is raising in the struggles of these months throughout and against Europe and its borders. Contributions came from France, Morocco, Italy, Turkey and Slovenia. Those places are situated in different positions within a connected system of institutional racism, where national and EU laws and international agreements concur in creating the conditions of exploitation, confinement and patriarchal violence. The transnational space is shaped first and foremost by migrants’ themselves, who are struggling across borders and against immigration and asylum laws that the governments use to tame migrants’ freedom.”